Master Plan for Gold Stealing Servant

Where story begins? 

We need to take coins from each of 10 bags to test.

Number all the servants & their respective bags from 1-10. Now take 1 coin from first bag, 2 coins from second bag, 3 coins from third bag & so on to 10 coins from tenth bag. Put all those on digital scale. In normal case, with no corruption it would weigh in the case as 55 x 10 = 550 gm. But coins from one of the bag weighs 1 gm less. So if it weighs 1 gm less then 1st coin that came from first bag is filed one & hence first servant is corrupt. If it weighs 548 gm then coins from second bag are reduced ones & hence second servant is corrupt.

Depending on how many gm less than 550 gm it weighs the bag with manipulated coins can be identified & respective servant can be fired.  

This is how to identify the corrupt servant!
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