
Showing posts with the label chess

"Get Out of The Hell !"

You’re new to hell, and you’re given a choice: You can go directly to the fourth circle, or you can play simultaneous chess games against Alexander Alekhine and Aron Nimzowitsch. Alekhine always plays black and smokes a pipe of brimstone. Nimzowitsch plays white and wears cuff links made of human teeth. Neither has ever lost.

"Get Out of The Hell !"

If you can manage even a draw against either player, you’ll be set free. But if they both beat you, you’ll go to the eighth circle for eternity.

What should you do?

This trick will save your life! 

Freedom From The Hell !

How you are trapped in hell?

Alekhine always plays black and Nimzowitsch plays always white. Obviously, you will be forced to choose white against Alekhine and black against Nimzowitsch. 

Wait for Nimzowitsch's first move and then play the same move on Alekhine’s board. Note how Alekhine responds to move & copy that move on Nimzowitsch's board.

This way, effectively Nimzowitsch is playing against Alekhine and you are just transferring moves between to 2 masters.

Since, they never lost a single chess game, there are high chances that the game between two ends in draw.

Even if Alekhine wins with his black then you are winning against Nimzowitsch as you are copying Alekhine's move against Nimzowitsch's white using your black. Same is case if Nimzowitsch wins.

In short, you will end up with either draw with both or win against at least one (against both is impossible). You will be free in any case.

Freedom From The Hell !

And in fact, you need not to have knowledge of how to play chess to get freedom from the hell.

CheckMate The Opponent in 2 Moves!

Can White checkmate Black in two moves from this position?

CheckMate The Opponent in 2 Moves!

Here are those 2 moves! 

2 Moves to CheckMate the Opponent

Where the game stands?

1.Move Rook to b3 i.e. perform Rb3.

2 Moves to CheckMate the Opponent

2.That will force opponent to move king to a5 i.e. execute Ka5.

2 Moves to CheckMate the Opponent

3. Finally,now move Rook to a3 (Ra3) and Checkmate the opponent.

2 Moves to CheckMate the Opponent

Mathematical Puzzle On The Chess Board

white rook and a black bishop of a standard chess set are randomly placed on a chessboard

Probability On The Chess Board

What is the probability that one is attacking the other?

You can skip to the answer! 

Resolving Mathematical Puzzle On Chess Board

But what was the puzzle?

Let's recall the definition of the probability. It's ratio of number of desired combinations to the number of total possible combinations.

A Rook and Bishop can have 64 Permutations 2 = 64 X 63 = 4032 possible combinations on a standard chess board if placed randomly.

Now there are 2 possible cases - The Rook attacking Bishop and the Bishop attacking Rook. Both can't attack each other simultaneously.

CASE 1 : The Rook attacking the Bishop 

The Rook can have 64 possible positions on the chess board and for every position it attacks 14 other position in it's attacking lines. That means 64 X 14 = 896 possible combinations where Rook is attacking Bishop. 

Calculation of Probability On The Chess Board

 CASE 2 : The Bishop attacking the Rook

Now imagine 4 hallow co-centrist squares around the center of the chess board with outermost have side 8 units & innermost having side 2 units.(See below)

Calculation of Probability On The Chess Board

Here each square has side with thickness of 1 unit.

If the Bishop is anywhere on outermost square which has 28 possible positions then it attack 7 other positions.( See below pics).

Calculation of Probability On The Chess Board

Calculation of Probability On The Chess Board

So there are 28 x 7 = 196 possible combinations where Bishop attacking the Rook.


Now if the bishop is anywhere on 20 squares of inner square then 9 other positions will be in it's attacking lines. (See below).

Calculation of Probability On The Chess Board

Calculation of Probability On The Chess Board

In this way, there will be 20 X 9 = 180 such combinations where the bishop will attack the rook. 


Now if the Bishop is placed anywhere on the 12 squares of more inner square then 11 other positions will be in it's lines of attack.( See below).

Calculation of Probability On The Chess Board

Calculation of Probability On The Chess Board

In short, there are 12 X 11 = 132 combination where Bishop will be attacking the rook.


And finally, if the bishop is placed at any of 4 positions of the innermost square then it will attack 13 other positions like below.

Calculation of Probability On The Chess Board

Calculation of Probability On The Chess Board

That is, there will be 4 X 13 = 52  such combinations where the Bishop will be attacking the Rook.


Adding all possible combinations of CASE 1 and CASE 2 as - 896 + 196 + 180 + 132 + 52 =  1456. It means there are 1456 possible combinations where either the Rook attacking Bishop or Bishop attacking the Rook.

The Required Probability  = Number of Required Combinations / Number of Total Combinations = 1456 / 4032 = 0.3611

To conclude, 0.3611 is the probability that the Rook or Bishop attacking each other if place randomly on standard chess board.

NOTE : Don't get confused with black Bishop on black square used in illustrations of attacking lines in CASE 2. Even if it was black Bishop on white square then also it would attack same other positions mentioned in that particular consideration. And random placement means it could be anything - on black or on white.

Check Mate in 1 Move

You are playing with white and its your turn. Check mate the opponent in 1 move.

'Here' is that move!

'That' Move to Check Mate The Opponent

First know the current situation on the board!

Just kill the Black Rook by pawn with the move C7 = > B8. Revive KNIGHT at that position to check mate the opponent straightway. Here, opponent can't use bishop at D6 to kill our knight as in that case his king will be in line of attack of our rook at D1.

'That' Move to Check Mate The Opponent


What is Sister-7 doing ?

There are seven sister in a house in a village where there is no electricity or 

any gadget.

Sister-1: Reading Novel

Sister-2: Cooking

Sister-3: Playing Chess

Sister-4: Playing Sudoku

Sister-5: Washing clothes

Sister-6: Gardening

what is Sister-7 doing ? 

What the sister number 7 must be doing?

She must be..... 


Playing The Chess Alone?

First read the question. 

Sister -7 must be playing Chess with Sister-3.Remember there is no gadget in room.So sister -3 must not be playing Chess on a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop PC (no electricity). Every other activity can be done individually but for playing Chess you need partner at the other end.

No one can play chess alone!
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