
The 500 Miles Race

Mike, Jimmy, Nader, Kevin and Larry were the top five finishers in the regional 500-mile race. They drove yellow, orange, green, red and blue cars but not necessarily in that order.

1. Neither Kevin nor Larry drove the green car.

2. Kevin finished faster than Mike and Larry.

3. The blue car finished earlier than Larry’s and Nader’s car.

4. The yellow car finished faster than the green car and the orange car.

5. Mike’s and Larry’s car finished ahead of the orange car.

6. Jimmy’s car finished before the blue and the yellow car.

Who drove what color car and what place did each driver finish?

Rank & Car of each participant in the race?

To know that click here! 


Stats of The 500 Miles Race

Here is the scenario! 

Let's make a bit simple by putting clues into table. Rows representing owner while columns representing their cars. Now we need to use logical deduction by using all the clues & fill the table one by one. Finally, we get this.

Table summarizing Stats of The 500 Miles Race
Stats of The 500 Miles Race

 Filled circle represents rank of the particular car or participant. e.g. 1 circle means it's first, 2 means second & so on.


Losing Ten Minutes An Hour

A clock loses exactly ten minutes every hour. If the clock is set correctly at noon, what is the correct time when the clock reads 3:00pm?

Finding Correct Time Using Faulty Clock!
Faulty Clock

Find it here!


Real Time Of a Faulty Clock

How much faulty it was? 

A clock loses 10 minutes in every hour that means for 60 real minutes it shows 50 minutes. In another words, real time is 60/50 = 1.2 times the minutes shown by the slower clock. It was set correctly at noon & at 3:00 PM ; 180 minutes of slower clock elapsed. That means the real time is 180 x 1.2 = 216. So it's 3:36 PM in real time clock!

Finding Real Time Using Faulty Clock
Correct Time

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